Isn't life great!!!!!
I think it is. The fresh flowers, bright sunny days, what more could you ask for?????
But, I know that we can have our bad days.
I'll give you some advice,
When you have a bad day, for example, you get dumped or you get a bad grade, think of the positives. Sure, I know at the time that there will be no positives, but try and think of some.
Like you'll get a better guy next time, or think of your past flames that were good. With the grade just try harder and tell your self that you will try harder.
So when you're down, think of the good points in life!!!

Okay, okay, okay I know that this is a weird topic, but think about it.
What's your favourite time of the year?
Mine's winter.
I love to walk in the rain, and lay in bed listerning to a thunderstorm.
Just think about it for a moment.....

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